Scientific consulting
In the field of health sciences, it is known that the time available in a medical consultation to address the concerns of patients related to complementary medicine is limited.
Formulation of nutraceuticals and functional foods
Udana Inc. offerscomprehensive support for the research and development of nutraceutical, cosmeceutical, and functional food formulations from entirely natural ingredients.
Udana Inc. proposes formulations based on exhaustive bibliographicalreviews and scientific analysis. Our research team has years of experience in medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy (natural products), dietary supplements, functional foods, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, and nutraceutical areas. After the proposed formulation, Udana Inc. assists in developing the product.

Let’s work together!
Copyright © 2018 Udana Inc. No reproduction in whole or in part without written permission. All Rights Reserved. All images exhibited on this site are the property of Udana Inc. or the original license.
IMPORTANT: Information presented on this website is only for educational purposes. It intended it is to provide updated knowledge about the importance of food for a healthy life. It is not a guide to self-medication. Professional advice is recommended for any decision related to food. Nutritional needs vary from person to person depending on age, sex, health status, and the total diet.
We do not intend to offer medical advice for various pathologies and has not been approved by the FDA or any Health Ministry. For health problems always seek professional medical council. The comments or articles on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information presented on this website does not intend to prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure any disease.